Wednesday, 09 January 2013 17:23

DSE Solutions Newsletter

January 2013 Newsletter

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January 2013
1st edition

Newsletter Headline Picture

Happy New Year

Welcome to DSE Solutions first ever monthly newsletter and happy new year to you and your families, let's hope that we can all prosper and flourish through 2013.

This is our first newsletter so be gentle with us. First up, we'll ease you in with a few links to our site and s
ome important articles to help you with your office Health & Safety during 2013. Here at DSE our focus is on Managing Employee Comfort Effectively, so from Managing Directors to Assistants it applies to us all. The healthier the workforce the better quality and quantity of work in the workplace. The last thing anyone wants is to be wandering around an office with back pain, its bad news for the employee and bad news for the employer.

We'll be telling you more about the training, events and equipment we use to provide you with maximum comfort at work, and we'll also send you the occasional special offer as the year goes on.

Thanks for reading and look forward to working with you in 2013.
All the best

2013 Chairs - NOW IN STOCK

We're passionate about making our clients lives easier and there is no better place to start than with the correct equipment.

What we sit on is crucial to how we feel at work and also how productive we are, but unfortunately office seating is all too often an afterthought. We also realise that there are so many different chair choices in vastly different price ranges so picking the right chair for your environment is never easy. We've sourced the best range of chairs available and with our experience and knowledge why not let us help you pick the correct chairs this year?

One chair or 2000 chairs, we will make sure you get the chair you need, ensuring that you aren't buying something completely unsuitable.

Contact us now.

The Chair-calator

We've developed our own metric as a guide as to the tricky business of how much you should spend on your chair based on the frequency of use. Check it out.

Back to Work

With all of us back to work after the Christmas break it's a perfect time to start the year off on the right foot.

Are you or your staff comfortable at your workstation?

If you aren't, don't fret there's some easy checks you can do to make yourself more comfortable, or of course you could always give us a call to come and give you a helping hand.

1. Is your lower back resting against the back of your chair?
If not, try to go back to this position as often as possible throughout the day. It is the best way to encourage good working postures.

2. Is your monitor height adjusted so your eyes are level with the top half of the screen?
If not, use something to raise the screen. A ream of paper is a good temporary solution; however, we provide excellent monitor riser blocks from just £12.50 each.

3. Don't slouch
We all do it, but write yourself a reminder on a post-it note and stick to the edge of your screen. Obvious? Well yes, but a gentle reminder can go a long way to ensuring you're comfy.

For your FREE DSE Assessment and Review contact us to book an appointment.

Book your FREE DSE Assessment now