Sciatic Referral

Sciatica is one of the most common conditions effecting employees that use a computer workstation. Sciatica is caused by pressure being placed on the sciatic nerve that interferes with the nerve path to the legs. This can be caused by increases in muscle tightness in the lower back or buttocks, however, it can also be caused by a herniated spinal disc in the lumbar spine. This is where the disc bulges and hits the nerve with painful shooting pain symptoms experienced down one or both of the legs. The leg can also feel heavy and walking can become difficult.

Sciatica is common because when seated gravity forces the computer user into their chair which compacts the discs, particularly in the lumbar spine. Then by leaning forward and holding a fixed position to type, use the mouse or complete paperwork increases pressure on the lower back, paricularly the lumbar spine. Muscle tension continues to build in order to hold the body in this fixed position and to protect the now vulnerable spine. If this position is maintained for long periods and becomes the normal working posture lower back pain will develop and very likely sciatica will develop.


The DSE Solutions

It is important that a workstation suits individual needs and that changes in working postures are easily adopted. If sciatica is diagnosed and is significant a sit/stand height adjustable desk may be required so that the amount of time seated can be reduced. However ergonomic chairs with forward tilt and a balanced movement mechanism will greatly reduce the risk of increased pressure on the lumbar spine and in turn will greatly reduce the symptoms of sciatica when seated. When purchasing a chair for specific needs ensure it is delivered with full user training and set according to the individuals needs. It is important to take advice as to which chair is most suitable for an individual. DSE Solutions will be happy to help you with this.

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